Robb Willer
Professor | Stanford University
Robb Willer is a Professor of Sociology, Psychology, and Business at Stanford University where he is Director of the Polarization and Social Change Lab and Co-Director of the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society.
He studies politics, morality, cooperation, and status.
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Voelkel, J. G., Stagnaro, M. N., Chu, J., Pink, S. L., Mernyk, J. S., Redekopp, C., Ghezae, I., Cashman, M., Adjodah, D., Allen, L., Allis, V., Baleria, G., Ballantyne, N., Van Bavel, J. J., Blunden, H., Braley, A., Bryan, C., Celniker, J., Cikara, M., Clapper, M. V., Clayton, K., Collins, H., DeFilippis, E., Dieffenbach, M., Doell, K. C., Dorison, C., Duong, M., Felsman, P., Fiorella, M., Francis, D., Franz, M., Gallardo, R., Gifford, S., Goya-Tocchetto, D., Gray, K., Green, J., Greene, J., Güngör, M., Hall, M., Hecht, C., Javeed, A., Jost, J. T., Kay, A., Kay, N. R., Keating, B., Kelly, J. M., Kirk, J., Kopell, M., Kteily, N., Kubin, E., Lees, J., Lenz, G., Levendusky, M., Littman, R., Luo, K., Lyles, A., Lyons, B., Marsh, W., Martherus, J., Maurer, L. A., Mehl, C., Minson, J., Moore, M., Moore-Berg, S. L., Pasek, M. H., Pentland, A., Puryear, C., Rahnama, H., Rathje, S., Rosato, J., Saar-Tsechansky, M., Santos, L. A., Seifert, C., Shariff, A., Simonsson, O., Siddiqi, S. S., Stone, D. F., Strand, P., Tomz, M., Yeager, D., Yoeli, E., Zaki, J., Druckman, J. N., Rand, D. G., & Willer, R. 2024. Megastudy Testing 25 Treatments to Reduce Anti-Democratic Attitudes and Partisan Animosity. Science.
Press Release, Stanford Press Release, project website, PBS Newshour segment, op-ed in the Washington Post, first coverage in the New York Times, second coverage in the New York Times, first coverage in The Atlantic, second coverage in The Atlantic, first coverage in the Washington Post, second coverage in the Washington Post, Nature, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, first coverage in Fast Company, second coverage in Fast Company, interviewed on Fox News, Morning Joe, C-SPAN, NPR Here and Now, The Gist podcast, Politicology podcast, Twitter thread
Named one of the Top 10 Experiments of 2023 (“Expy”), Analyst Institute

Kamphorst, J., & Willer, R. 2024. Correcting Misperceptions of the Material Benefits Associated with Union Membership Increases Americans’ Interest in Joining Unions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Chu, J., Voelkel, J. G., Stagnaro, M. N., Kang, S., Druckman, J., Rand, D., & Willer, R. 2024. Academics Are More Specific, and Practitioners More Sensitive, in Forecasting Interventions to Strengthen Democratic Attitudes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Voelkel, J. G., Chu, J. Y., Stagnaro, M. N., Druckman, J., & Willer, R. 2024. How to Design and Conduct a Megastudy. Nature Human Behavior.